This is a home page for events, collaborations, and publications related to the forthcoming collection of case studies titled “The Environmental Knowledge Commons: Cases and Lessons for Knowledge Sharing” (Anjanette Raymond, Scott Shackelford, Jessica Steinberg, and Michael Mattioli eds.).
This bibliography of case studies of knowledge commons in the environmental context was prepared by Ming Yi, a student at the New York University School of Law, in February 2023.
The bibliography contains existing studies of knowledge governance in the area of environmental technology. There are five main topics that are covered by the bibliography: (1) environmental information commons; (2) large-scale research collaboration and data sharing; (3) open innovation; (4) citizen science; and (5) patent commons. The bibliography was compiled using keywords related to each topic and incorporating “environmental” or “eco-” in the search criteria. This bibliography is by no means comprehensive and serves as a starting point for researchers who are interested in doing commons-based research in the environmental area.