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Governing Markets as Knowledge Commons

Governing Markets in Knowledge Commons - cover

Governing Markets as Knowledge Commons (Erwin Dekker and Pavel Kuchař, eds.) (Cambridge University Press, 2021)

Knowledge commons facilitate voluntary private interactions in markets and societies. These shared pools of knowledge consist of intellectual and legal infrastructures that both enable and constrain private initiatives. This volume brings together theoretical and empirical approaches that develop and apply the Governing Knowledge Commons framework to the evolution of various kinds of shared knowledge structures that underpin exchanges of goods, services, and ideas. Chapters offer vivid and illuminating case studies that illustrate this conceptual framework. How did pooling scientific knowledge enable the Industrial Revolution? How do social networks underpin the credit system enabling the Agra footwear market? How did the market category Scotch whisky emerge and who has access to it? What is the potential of blockchain-ledgers as shared knowledge repositories? This volume demonstrates the importance of shared knowledge in modern society.


Introduction by Erwin Dekker and Pavel Kuchař

The Contribution Good as the Foundation of the Industrial Revolution by Terence Kealey and Martin Ricketts

On the Social Evolution of Knowledge by Renée Prendergast

Individual Sovereignty and Coproduction of Knowledge Governance by Edward J. López

Common Sense Commons: The Case of Commonsensical Social Norms by Brett Frischmann

Conventions as Shared Cognitive Infrastructures by Young Back Choi

Property Rights, Knowledge Commons, and Blockchain Governance by Darcy W. E. Allen, Chris Berg, Sinclair Davidson, and Jason Potts

Knowledge Commons, Social Infrastructures, and Informal Markets: The Case of Informal Trade Credit in India by Yugank Goyal

Entrepreneurship and Governance in the Scotch Whisky Knowledge Commons by Michelle Albert Vachris and Kyle Vachris

Trolling in the Deep: Managing Transgressive Content on Online Platforms as a Commons by Julien Gradoz and Raphaël Raux

Crowdfunding the Queer Museum: A Polycentric Identity Quarrel* by Carolina Dalla Chiesa

Understanding Different Qualities of the Knowledge Commons in Contemporary Cities by Youn Sun Won and Arjo Klamer

About the Editors and Contributors


Erwin Dekker is Assistant Professor in cultural economics at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Pavel Kuchař is a Lecturer in the Department of Political Economy, King’s College London


Darcy W. E. Allen is a Senior Research Fellow at the RMIT Blockchain Innovation Hub

Chris Berg is a Principal Research Fellow at RMIT University

Carolina Dalla Chiesa is a Lecturer at Leuphana University Lüneburg

Young Back Choi is Professor of Economics at St. John’s University

Sinclair Davidson is a Professor of Institutional Economics at RMIT University

Brett. M. Frischmann is the Charles Widger Endowed University Professor in Law, Business and Economics at Villanova University

Yugank Goyal Associate Professor – Public Policy at FLAME University

Julien Gradoz is a PhD candidate at Université de Lille

Terence Kealey is Professor of Clinical Biochemistry at the University of Buckingham

Arjo Klamer is Professor of Cultural Economics at Erasmus University

Edward J. López is a Professor of Economics at Western Carolina University

Jason Potts is Distinguished Professor of Economics at RMIT University

Renée Prendergast is a Reader in Economics at Queen’s University Belfast

Raphaël Raux is a PhD candidate at Harvard University

Martin Ricketts is Professor of Economic Organization at the University of Buckingham

Kyle Vachris is an economist at the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics

Michelle Albert Vachris is Professor of Management, Business and Economics at Virginia Wesleyan University

Youn Sun Won is a PhD candidate at Erasmus University